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美['mækroʊˌstrʌktʃə]  英[mækrəʊ'strʌktʃə]
n.  宏观组织


  1. Surface defect and macrostructure of high carbon steel billet were analyzed. 介绍了铸坯相关表面缺陷及低倍组织,提出了质量控制措施及方案。
  2. The justice should be expressed through the macrostructure, the middle Structure and the microstructure of ICA system. 公正价值应通过国际商事仲裁制度的宏观结构、中层结构和微观结构展现出来;
  3. The teaching not only describes the whole political system of current China in a macrostructure way. 当代中国政治制度课程内容包括:人民代表大会制度;
  4. The metallurgical microstructure, especially macrostructure of the drill pipes from 4 factories was also different. 低倍组织反映了成分偏析程度、夹杂物含量及分布等。
  5. As one of the most important modernist writers, Faulkner uses a macrostructure in his novels as Balzac does in his series of novels. 作为二十世纪现代主义的重要作家,福克纳的作品,具有巴尔扎克系列小说那样的宏观结构。
  6. Based on Cr microalloying,the influence of V、Nb、Ti and their interactions on casting blank macrostructure and segregation were researched. 以铬微合金化为基础,主要研究钒、铌、钛及其交互作用对高碳铸坯宏观组织、凝固偏析的影响,为微合金元素应用于高碳钢提供实验依据。