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美[mɪks]  英[mɪks]
v.  混合;掺入;合成;联系;融合;介入
n.  混合(物);融合
  形容词:mixable  过去式:mixed  过去分词:mixed  现在分词:mixing  第三人称单数:mixes


  1. 配制,调制
  2. 混(合),使混合,相混合,与...相混合
  3. 参与
  4. 杂交,使动物杂交
  5. (使)结交,(使)交往,亲密地来往,合得来
  6. 发生牵连
  7. 相协调
  8. 搀和,掺和,搀合,掺入,与...相搀合
  9. 混淆,搞混,弄混
  10. 交游
  11. 弄错
  12. 相溶合,融合
  13. 混合起来做
  14. 使结合
  15. 搅和
  16. 相容,平安相处
  17. 混合录音,混录,混音
  1. 结合
  2. 混合,混和,混杂
  3. 糊涂
  4. 混和物,拌合物
  5. 混杂的一群人
  6. 已调配好的做蛋糕等的材料
  7. <口>混乱
  8. 歌曲录音最后混合多种音效以达效果,混录,混音
  9. 打架
  10. 搅和
  11. 比赛
  12. 组合
  13. 综合性
  14. 米克斯(Tom,1880—


  1. vt. & vi. 混合,搅和 combine so that the parts no longer have a separate shape, appearance, etc.
  2. vt. & vi. (使)结交,(使)交往 (cause to) associate with
  1. [C]混合,结合 mixture or combination of things or people
  2. [C][U]食物混合配料 mixture of ingredients sold for making kinds of food, etc.


  1. a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients
  2. an event that combines things in a mixture;

    "a gradual mixture of cultures"

  3. the act of mixing together;

    "paste made by a mix of flour and water" "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"

  1. mix together different elements;

    "The colors blend well"

  2. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups;

    "This school is completely desegregated"

  3. combine (electronic signals);

    "mixing sounds"

  4. add as an additional element or part;

    "mix water into the drink"

  5. to bring or combine together or with something else;

    "resourcefully he mingled music and dance"

  6. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement;

    "shuffle the cards"


  1. mix a cake调配原料制成蛋糕
  2. mix cocktails调制鸡尾酒
  3. mix flour and water把面粉和水拌和
  4. mix medicine配药
  5. mix mortar拌和砂浆
  6. mix one's drinks调配饮料
  7. mix plaster和灰泥
  8. mix wine and water把葡萄酒和水掺和起来
  1. mix little很少交往
  2. mix well相处得很好
  3. mix carefully仔细地搅拌
  4. mix confusingly乱调
  5. mix curiously严重地混淆
  6. mix determinedly果断地结交
  7. mix discreetly慎交
  8. mix easily易于相处
  9. mix experimentally根据实验调配
  10. mix freely自由交往
  11. mix inextricably复杂地混合
  12. mix intimately亲密地交往
  13. mix marvelously极好地配制
  14. mix oddly奇怪地混淆
  15. mix thoroughly完全混合
  16. mix in加入,牵涉进去,卷入,参与
  17. mix up搅匀,拌和,混淆,搞糊涂
  18. mix up in卷入,牵连进去
  19. mix up with分不清,与(某人)混在一起
  1. mix much in society社会交际甚广
  2. mix the flour and water into a smooth paste把面粉和水调成细腻的糨糊
  3. mix a little soda into the flour在这面粉中掺进一点苏打水
  4. mix the yeast into the flour把鲜酵母掺进面粉
  5. mix the cotton into wool在羊毛中掺进棉花
  6. mix with与…混合,与…交往
  7. mix work with adequate rest劳逸结合
  8. mix sugar with flour把糖和面粉调和在一起
  9. mix with foreigners与外国人交往
  10. mix joy with sorrow悲喜交加
  11. mix the boys with the girls in a school男女同校
  12. mix much with the natives与本地人交往甚多
  13. mix black with white混淆黑白
  14. mix water with wine在酒中掺水
  1. shake mix摇匀混合物
  2. spill mix泼混合物
  3. stir mix搅拌混合物
  1. packaged mix包装好的食物配料
  2. right mix配套的设施
  3. strange mix奇特的混合


  1. You can't mix oil with water.你不能把油和水混合。
  2. If you mix blue with yellow, you'll get green.蓝色和黄色混合在一起就成了绿色。
  3. For better flavor, you can mix an egg into the batter.要想口味更好,你可以在面糊中加进一个鸡蛋。
  4. Her son's return made her mix joy with sorrow.她儿子的归来令她喜悲交集。
  5. He finds it hard to mix at parties.他感到很难在聚会上与人攀谈。
  6. Pink and blue mix well together.粉色和蓝色在一起很协调。
  7. In the case of a family argument, it is better for a friend not to mix in.朋友最好别介入家庭纠纷。
  1. Alcohol and drugs is a deadly mix.酒精和毒品混在一块儿,足以令人毙命。
  2. Add the water and give it a good mix.加点水,让它很好地融合。


    mix的基本意思是把各种成分分散均匀地混合起来,混合后各成分常仍可分辨出来,也不一定失去本来的特性,引申可表示“使某人结交”。 mix既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。 mix用作不及物动词时,常与in, with等连用,与in连用时,考虑的是集体; 与with连用时,考虑的是单个成员。


  1. 不要把这个问题和那个问题混淆起来。

    Don't mix this problem with that one.

    Don't mix up this problem with that one.

    mix sth with sth 表示“把…和…混在一起”。如果表示“把…和…搞混淆”,应该说mix up sth with sth 或confuse sth with sth。mix up with是mix with的强势语。


    I was mixed up with happiness and sorrow.

    I had mixed feelings of happiness and sorrow.

    get〔be〕 mixed up是“混淆,搞糊涂”,或是与某人或某事“有牵连”的意思。“悲喜交加”可译作mix feelings of happiness and sorrow。


    I always mix the tenses of verbs together.

    I always mix up the tenses of verbs.

    “混淆,搞不清楚”的英语是mix up,而不是mix sth together。