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美['moʊkoʊ]  英['məʊkəʊ]
n.  (新西兰)毛利人的文身制


  1. After all, animals like Moko are some of the nicest people we know. 毕竟,像莫克一样的动物不正是我们可爱的一份子吗?
  2. To the Maori people, ta moko is a sacred form of family identification. 给毛利人们纹身是一种宗教的形式的家庭鉴定。
  3. Then Moko appeared, and came right up to the whales before leading them out to sea. 此时,莫可来到两只鲸鱼的旁边,将牠们带到外海。
  4. MOKO哒问题:what's the different between lover and best friend?which one is more important to you? 爱人是有爱情,最好的朋友是友情。至于那个重要,需要看具体是哪2个人在比较。
  5. Moko, who had been visiting the beach at Mahia on and off over the summer, arrived at the beach in the nick of time, Smith said. 史密斯表示,莫可这个夏天经常出现在马希亚海滩,而这次牠出现的正是时候。
  6. Smith said the whales had not been sighted again in the area. However Moko had returned and was continuing to play with swimmers near the shore. 史密斯说明,这两头鲸鱼获救后就没在此海滩附近出没,但莫可仍经常游回海滩,与游客一同嬉戏。