"this government building is sumptuously appointed"
In the very good vintages it is an opulently rich and fruity wine, easy to drink when young. 也是一款在年轻时已适合饮用的葡萄酒。
In contrast to its inherent symbolism, the bowl is opulently lined with silk and threaded with gold brocade. 全身由固体黄金和珍珠覆盖,雕塑高21英尺,重超过42磅。
The Gere sequence, opulently produced and featuring an irresistible rendering of "Goin' to Acapulco" by Jim James, may throw audiences off. 但是真个菲林创造的氛围又恰好是整个电影所要集中走向的。
Catherine Palace, opulently adorned in blue, white, and gold, was named for Empress Catherine I who ordered the construction of the initial palace in1917. 由蓝、、三色装点的凯瑟琳宫是依照它原身的建造者凯瑟琳女皇一世的名字命名的。
Catherine Palace, opulently adorned in blue, white, and gold, was named for Empress Catherine I who ordered the construction of the initial palace in 1917. 由蓝、白、黄三色装点的凯瑟琳宫是依照它原身的建造者凯瑟琳女皇一世的名字命名的。
The character's army may not be bigger than another lord's, but it will likely be better equipped and lords and generals will be more opulently furnished. 人物的军队可能并不比另外的领主来得多,但是他们有最好的武器,装备精良。