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美[pə'lætɪnət]  英[pə'lætɪnət]
n.  palatine的职位;领地;巴列丁奈特之居民


  1. a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine
  2. a territory under the jurisdiction of a count palatine


  1. Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate. 官吏属于或有关于宫廷官吏的
  2. The authority of the project implementation belongs to the ministry for the environment of the state of Rhineland Palatinate. 项目的基本目标是改善现有防洪计划并减轻莱茵河流域日益严重的洪水危害。
  3. Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate. 据一位同学说,四年前一个敢为天下先的波兰人取得了凯泽斯劳滕的清洁工工长资格。今年,一名意大利人在莱茵兰-帕拉廷又同样获得了这一资格。
  4. Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student,this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate. 据一位同学说,四年前一个敢为天下先的波兰人取得了凯泽斯劳滕的清洁工工长资格。今年,一名意大利人在莱茵兰-帕拉廷又同样了这一资格。
  5. If you would like to stay in one of the most beautiful places in Karlovy Vary near to the Mill Colonnade, the Palatin hotel is exactly what you are looking for. 您可在这家全面装修过的酒店里享受最佳的服务、低廉的价格和安逸的气氛。酒店位于漂亮的别墅区,距离市中心只有十分钟步行路程。
  6. (medieval) the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands (在中世纪)在他的领地上享有王权的封建领主