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美[feɪz]  英[feɪz]
n.  相位;方面;局面;阶段;时期
vt.  逐步执行
  形容词:phasic  过去式:phased  过去分词:phased  现在分词:phasing  第三人称单数:phases


  1. 状态;形势;局面
  2. 面,方面;侧面
  3. 【天】【化】相,相位,盈亏,变相
  4. 阶段,时期
  5. 【物】相,位相,周相
  6. 【动】型,期
  7. 状况,情形,现象
  1. 使一致
  2. 分阶段实行,分阶段前进,分阶段开始
  3. 逐步采用,逐步做,逐步引入,逐步废除
  4. 使定相,使同步
  5. 调相
  6. 使分阶段进行
  7. 使按计划进行
  8. 使调整相位
  9. 按计划进行


  1. [C]阶段,时期 a stage of development
  2. [C](月亮、行星的)位相,盈亏 any of a fixed number of changes in the appearance of the moon or a planet as seen from the Earth at different times during their orbit
  3. [C](问题等的)方面 part of aspect
  1. vt. 分阶段计划〔安排〕 plan or arrange in separate phases


  1. any distinct time period in a sequence of events;

    "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"

  2. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary;

    "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system"

  3. a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
  4. (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun);

    "the full phase of the moon"

  1. arrange in phases or stages;

    "phase a withdrawal"

  2. adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition;

    "he phased the intake with the output of the machine"


  1. alter the phase改变相位
  2. begin〔enter, go through〕 a phase开始〔进入,经过〕一个阶段
  3. pass through three phases经过三阶段
  1. closing〔initial〕 phase最后〔最初〕阶段
  2. crucial phase关键时期
  3. final phase最后形势
  4. new phase新阶段
  5. essential phase基本方面
  6. opening phase开始阶段
  7. another phase另一阶段
  8. the theoretical phases理论方面
  1. phase difference相位差
  1. from phase to phase during this stage这一阶段中的各个时期
  2. in phase同相地,协调地
  3. in phase with与…同相位
  4. in every phase在每一方面
  5. out of phase异相地,不同相地,不协调地
  6. opposite in phase反相,相位相反
  1. phase of the campaign战斗的阶段
  2. phases of the problem问题的各方面
  3. phase of the research研究阶段
  1. phase down逐步减少
  2. phase in逐步采用
  3. phase out逐步淘汰


  1. No phase transition evidence is found.没有发现任何相位跃迁的证据。
  2. Distortion can result from phase shifts.相位变化将造成失真。
  3. This is but one phase of the subject.这仅是问题的一个方面。
  4. They are talking about the changing phases of society.他们谈论着不断变化的社会状况。
  5. That project would enter a second phase at the beginning of 2007.该项目将在2007年初进入下一阶段。
  6. If a nuclear war really breaks out, the world will enter a very dangerous phase.假如真的爆发核战争,世界将进入一个非常危险的时期。
  1. The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广。
  2. The old currency will have been phased out by 1990.旧币分阶段至1990年将全部禁止流通。
  3. The modernization of the industry was phased over a 20-year period.工业现代化分20年逐步实现。