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美[paɪ'næstə]  英[paɪ'næstə]
n.  松树


  1. Crude turpentine obtained from the cluster pine tree(Pinus pinaster)of southern Europe. 海松树脂从产于南欧的丛生松树(松属南欧海松)上获得的天然树脂
  2. Mediterranean pine tree (Pinus pinaster) having long needles in clusters of two, and large ovoid seed-bearing cones. 海岸松:一种地中海松树(海岸松松属),生有长的两个一簇的针叶,结大卵形、内含种子的球果
  3. Crude turpentine obtained from the cluster pine tree(Pinus pinaster) of southern Europe. 海松树脂从产于南欧的丛生松树(松属南欧海松)上获得的天然树脂
  4. Pinus pinaster has strong salinity tolerance and grows better in the soil with slight acid and higher nutrient content. 沙地海岸松耐盐性强,且在养分含量高、偏酸性土壤中生长占优势。
  5. Abstract : The objective of the paper is to state the necessity of introducing Pinus pinaster Ait. in China. 摘要 : 概括了沙地海岸松的生物学、生态学特性及其推广利用价值;
  6. A Mediterranean pine tree(Pinus pinaster)having a characteristic pyramidal form and needles clustered in fascicles of two. 海松一种地中海松树(海岸松松属),具有金字塔形状和成对簇生的松针