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美['poʊst'hɑːvɪst]  英['pəʊst'hɑːvɪst]
adj.  收割期后的;用于采收后的


  1. Postharvest Biological Control Green Mold of Citrus Fruits by Candida sp. 假丝酵母菌(Candida sp.;)对柑橘采后绿霉病的生物防治研究
  2. Postharvest technologies includes the storing, drying, and processing of rice. 稻谷收获后处理技术包括贮藏、干操和加工。
  3. Biocontrol plays an important role in control of postharvest disease. 生物防治是当前芒果、香蕉采后病害控制的重要研究方向。
  4. The Inhibition of Postharvest Brown Rot in Nectarine Fruits by Chinese Herbs Containing Pyrola Rotundifolia L. 鹿蹄草等中草药对油桃采后褐腐病抑制效果研究。
  5. Additional, postharvest Alternaria rot, caused by Alternaria alternata, was inhibited in pears by ASM sprays. 喷施ASM还有效抑制了采后接种的黑霉病(Alternaria alternata)。
  6. The mRNA level expression of ACOl was rising during process of postharvest, and reach the peak at 18 day. ACO1的mRNA表达从采后一直到第18天都是呈上升的趋势,到了第18天表达量最高,然后迅速下降。