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美[prɪdɒmə'neɪʃən]  英[prɪdɒmɪ'neɪʃən]
n.  优越;显著


  1. the state of being predominant over others
  2. the quality of being more noticeable than anything else;

    "the predomination of blues gave the painting a quiet tone"


  1. This analysis reveals that "wuse" can he divided into the compound catalogues of both juxtaposition and predomination. 按此分析,“物色”既可以是并列式合成词,也可以是支配式合成词。
  2. In recent years, numerical control machine has got important status and predomination in manufacturing of China. 近几年来我国制造业中,数控机床的占有率不断提高,在生产中已经占有重要地位。
  3. There are many architectural types in modem cities, in which, the office buildings are in the status of predomination for the quantity and scope. 现代城市是由许多建筑类型构成的,办公建筑在规模和数量上都占主导地位。
  4. On the basis of the traditional predomination, standardization of combination of TCM and Western medicine in recipe construction of TCM might promote the modernization of TCM . 在保持中医传统优势的基础上,使其规范化、科学化,必将促进现代中医的发展。
  5. Predomination of SKY Signage shows not only on complete production equipments but on the professional spirit and rocess level based on modern enterprise management system even more. 奇天的超越,不但体现在完备的生产设备上,更体现于建立在现代企业管理制度上的专业精神与工艺水平。
  6. yang predomination consuming yin 阳胜则阴病