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美[preg'nenəloʊn]  英[preg'nenələʊn]
n.  [生化]孕烯醇酮


  1. The presence of pregnenolone in thegenus Notoptdygium has not been reported. 娠烯醇酮为首次从本属植物中分离鉴定。
  2. Pregnenolone sulfate (PREGS) is one of the most abundantly produced neurosteroids in the brain. 硫化孕烯醇酮(pregnenolone sulfate, PREGS)是哺乳动物脑内含量最为丰富的神经甾体之一。
  3. Pregnenolone sulfate (PREGS) is one of the most abundant and the most active members of neurosteroids in the brain. 硫化孕烯醇酮Pregnenolone sulfate(简称PREGS)是神经甾体家族中含量最丰富、活性最强的一员。
  4. Pregnenolone sulfate is among the most abundant and the most active members of neurosteroids. 硫化孕烯醇酮是神经甾体家族中含量最丰富、活性最强的一员。
  5. Presumably there might be pregnenolone binding protein, which can control the formation of microtubules in zebrafish embryo. 因此推测在斑马鱼胚胎中,可能具有孕烷醇酮的结合蛋白,而此结合蛋白可以调控微管的形成。
  6. Plentiful of experiments suggest that pregnenolone sulfate has significant effect on cognition, but the mechanism is not clear now. 大量的实验表明硫化孕烯醇酮对认知功能具有明显影响,但机制还不清楚。