The receiptor told us that the hotel can supply special service for us. 接待人员告诉我们,宾馆可以为我们提供特别服务。
So far the biggest receiptor add recipient of aid is the insurance company , American International Group. 到目前为止,最大的受益人是一家保险公司,美国国际集团。
The security performance of L-L-C-Z protocol was analyzed, and forged valid signcryption result was computed out by substituting receiptor's public key for any plaintext message. 通过对L-L-C-Z门限代理签密协议的密码分析,利用接收方修改公钥的方法,计算出任意消息的有效伪造签密结果。
Improved threshold proxy signcryption protocol utilize receiptor's public key hut not private key to verify signcryption's result.The verification procedure can be publicly shown to the third party. 改进的门限代理签密协议利用接收方公钥而不是私钥来验证签密结果,其验证过程能向第三方公开。