"The country reconquered the territory lost in the previous war"
The band is poised to reconquer them. “和不同的音乐人合作很不错。”
We do not want to confront Russia with it's huge resources, but it's Russia that wants to reconquer Georgia. 我们不希望跟有丰富资源的俄罗斯冲突,是俄罗斯想重新征服格鲁吉亚。
The first Christian Crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries were attempts to reconquer Christian and Jewish lands that had been conquered by Arab armies. 当年在11和12世纪时十字军想征服那些被穆斯林军队征服的原属基督徒和犹太人的土地。
We shall give generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. 我们(德国)将会向墨国提供慷慨的财政支持和一个谅解:墨西哥会重新收复在新墨西哥州、得克萨斯州,和亚利桑那州失去的国土。
Not only a few years ago, China managed to reconquer the lands of Hong Kong and steal it back from Great Britain, all while no one did anything about it. 就在前几年,中国成功的占领了香港,从英国人手中夺去了这块土地,人们却束手无策。
"You all hear what happens around you in a suggestive manner. We played an excellent match on Sunday. It's up to us to reconquer the environment." 答:你们当然都清楚你们周围我们在上周日的比赛表现的很好。我们已经重新征服了外界。