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美[rɪ'flekt]  英[rɪ'flekt]
v.  反映;反射;反省;归咎;显示
  过去式:reflected  过去分词:reflected  现在分词:reflecting  第三人称单数:reflects


  1. 反射,反照
  2. 带给,带来,招致,使蒙受,博得
  3. 思考,沉思,深思,熟虑,考虑,认真思考,对…深思熟虑,沉思反省(后接on或upon)
  4. 反映,映出,映现,照出
  5. 反响
  6. 表现,表达,表明,显示
  7. 反省,回顾
  8. 仔细想,想到,认识到,悟及
  9. 非难,谴责,归咎,指责,中伤,诽谤
  10. 反射出,折回
  11. 把反射回来
  12. 被映出
  13. 招致非议,带来耻辱,带来影响(后接on或upon)


  1. vt. & vi. 反射 throw back (light, heat, sound or an image)
  2. vt. 表达,反映 express, make clear, or be a sign of; show
  3. vt. & vi. 考虑 think carefully


  1. manifest or bring back;

    "This action reflects his true beliefs"

  2. reflect deeply on a subject;

    "I mulled over the events of the afternoon" "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years" "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"

  3. to throw or bend back (from a surface);

    "Sound is reflected well in this auditorium"

  4. be bright by reflecting or casting light;

    "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"

  5. show an image of;

    "her sunglasses reflected his image"

  6. give evidence of a certain behavior;

    "His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him"

  7. give evidence of the quality of;

    "The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student"


  1. reflect the reality反映现实
  1. reflect well表明…很好
  2. reflect calmly静思
  3. reflect clearly清楚地反映
  4. reflect closely仔细考虑
  5. reflect deeply深思
  6. reflect faithfully忠实地反映
  7. reflect logically有逻辑地表达
  8. reflect seriously认真思索
  9. reflect sorrowfully悲伤地沉思
  10. reflect back反射,反映
  1. reflect from the water由水里反射出
  2. reflect in the lake在湖里映出
  3. reflect on sb's conduct指责某人的行为
  4. reflect on a problem仔细思考一个问题
  5. reflect on one's sincerity怀疑某人的忠诚


  1. Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。
  2. The results reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned.这些成绩带给所有有关人员最大的荣誉。
  3. The sunlight was reflected in the water.日光由水面反射出来。
  4. I often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life.我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。
  5. Why not reflect on it when you are happy, in good health, confident, and full of well-being?当你快乐、健康,充满自信,满怀幸福喜悦时,为何不反省死亡?


    reflect的基本意思是“反射,照出,映出”,指反射光、热、声音等,也指镜子或水面照的映像。引申可作“反映,表明”解,也可作“考虑”解。 reflect可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词、动词不定式短语或从句作宾语。reflect也可引出直接引语。 reflect后接介词on〔upon〕表示“思索”“蒙受”“招致”“博得”等意思。 reflect偶尔可用作系动词接形容词作表语。