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美[ʃaɪn]  英[ʃaɪn]
v.  照耀;出色;发光;投光于;使发光
n.  光泽;光辉;阳光;擦皮鞋(美);喜欢;鬼把戏(复)
  过去式:shone/shined  过去分词:shone/shined  现在分词:shining  第三人称单数:shines


  1. 出风头,出人头地,大显身手,崭露头角,炫耀才华,表现突出,出类拔萃,出众,杰出,出色
  2. (以灯等)照耀,闪耀,照射,使照耀
  3. 磨光,擦亮,擦光
  4. 明显流露,显露
  5. (使)发光,发亮,使光亮
  6. 反光,反射光
  7. 把...的光投向,把...照向,使...光投向,投光于
  1. 光泽,光亮,光彩,光辉,光
  2. 阳光,晴天
  3. 恶作剧,鬼把戏,诡计
  4. 华丽
  5. 爱好,喜爱
  6. 纠纷,骚动,吵闹,混乱
  7. 一眼就看上,一见钟情
  8. 新荣(姓,日本)


  1. vi. 发光; 反射光; 照耀 give out or reflect light; be bright
  2. vt. 照射 aim the light in a specified direction
  3. vt. 擦亮 polish sth and make it bright
  4. vi. 表现突出,出众 excel in some way
  1. [U] 光亮,光泽 brightness; polished appearance
  2. [S] 磨,擦 an act of polishing


  1. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light
  1. be bright by reflecting or casting light;

    "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"

  2. emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light;

    "The sun shone bright that day" "The fire beamed on their faces"

  3. be shiny, as if wet;

    "His eyes were glistening"

  4. be distinguished or eminent;

    "His talent shines"

  5. be clear and obvious;

    "A shining example"

  6. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;

    "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"

  7. throw or flash the light of (a lamp);

    "Shine the light on that window, please"

  8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

    "Light fell on her face" "The sun shone on the fields" "The light struck the golden necklace" "A strange sound struck my ears"

  9. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;

    "She was beaming with joy" "Her face radiated with happiness"

  10. make (a surface) shine;

    "shine the silver, please" "polish my shoes"


  1. shine a flashlight以手电照亮
  2. shine a light以灯照亮
  3. shine a shoe擦只鞋
  4. shine a torch以火把照亮
  1. shine auspiciously发出吉祥的亮光
  2. shine beautifully光线很美
  3. shine brightly灿烂地照耀
  4. shine brilliantly灿烂地照耀
  5. shine capriciously发出变幻莫测的光
  6. shine dazzlingly亮得耀眼
  7. shine directly直射
  8. shine feverishly发出炽烈的光
  9. shine fiercely发出强烈的光
  10. shine fitfully一阵一阵地发出亮光
  11. shine glaringly亮得刺眼
  12. shine gloriously灿烂地照射
  13. shine goldenly发出金色的光
  14. shine hazily发出朦胧的光
  15. shine keenly熠熠生辉
  16. shine lucidly发出清澈的光
  17. shine luminously发出明亮的光
  18. shine majestically发出庄严的光亮
  19. shine perpendicularly发出垂直的亮光
  20. shine politically在政治上崭露头角
  21. shine radiantly发出绚丽的亮光
  22. shine tremulously发出摇摆不定的光
  23. shine in through the window照进窗内
  24. shine up使向上照,把…擦亮
  25. shine the shoes up把鞋子擦得发亮
  26. shine the torch up把手电筒往上照
  1. shine in society在社交场合出风头
  2. shine of sun阳光
  1. give a shine擦亮
  2. have a shine有光泽
  3. keep up a shine引起风潮,引起大骚动
  4. lose its shine失去光泽
  5. need a shine需要擦亮
  6. put a good shine擦亮
  7. take a shine to sb爱上某人,对…一见钟情
  8. take the shine off除去光泽
  1. beautiful shine好的亮光
  2. good shine美丽的亮光
  3. warm shine温暖的光
  1. make no end of a shine大闹


  1. The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。
  2. He shines at golf.他高尔夫球打得很出色。
  3. The sun is shinning brightly.今天阳光格外明媚。
  4. Shine your torch into the drawer.你用手电筒照一下这抽屉里面。
  5. I hate lights being shone in my face.我不喜欢灯光正对著我的脸。
  1. The waxed floor had a good shine.打蜡地板闪闪发光。
  2. Now her hair has taken on a healthy shine.现在她的头发呈现健康的色泽。
  3. The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。
  4. Would you put a good shine on these boots?你把这些靴子好好擦一下好吗?
  5. I think that dog has taken a shine to me: it follows me everywhere.我想这狗已经喜欢上我了,我走到哪儿它跟到哪儿。


    shine的基本意思是“照耀”“发光”,指太阳、灯等发光体发出光亮,也可指物体反射出光亮,还可指用手电筒等的光向某方向照射。引申可作“表现突出,出众”解。其过去式和过去分词都是shone。 在美式英语中shine还可作“擦”解,表示把某物擦亮、磨光或使之发亮,其过去式和过去分词都是shined,不是shone。 shine作“发光”解时是不及物动词,作“擦亮”解时是及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 shine可以用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。 shine后接介词at表示“擅长”; 后接介词in表示“把(光)射进…”或“卓越,出类拔萃”; 后接副词in表示“照进”; 后接副词up表示“使向上照; 把…擦亮”; shine up to表示“竭力讨好以博取…的友谊”。
    shine用作名词的意思是“光亮,光泽”,是不可数名词。 shine也可作“磨,擦”解,指抽象的动作,通常用作单数形式,常和不定冠词连用。