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美[ˌstreptoʊbə'sɪləs]  英[streptəʊbə'sɪləs]
n.  [微]链(球)杆菌


  1. any of various rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria


  1. Connecting with each other was obviously increasing with the induction time, many streptobacillus showed red or green. 随着诱导时间的延长,菌体的交联程度明显增加,出现众多红绿交替的长链杆菌;
  2. A disease caused by the bacterium Streptobacillus moniliformis and characterized by skin inflammation, back and joint pains, headache, and vomiting. 鼠咬热:一种由念珠状链杆菌引起的疾病,症状为皮肤发炎,腰痛,关节痛,头痛和呕吐
  3. Fluorescent observation showed that the cells of 3 strains were all atrophy,bending,connecting with each other, and altering original bacillus into streptobacillus. 3株细菌菌体均发生萎缩、弯曲,且彼此相连,原本单在的杆菌变成了链杆菌;
  4. Any of various gram-negative,rod-shaped,often pathogenic bacteria of the genus Streptobacillus,occurring in chains,especially S. moniliformis,which causes a type of rat-bite fever. 链杆菌,一种革兰氏阴性的杆状,经常为单性生殖细菌链杆菌属,呈链形,尤指引起一种鼠咬热的念珠形链杆菌。
  5. Any of various gram - negative, rod - shaped, often pathogenic bacteria of the genus Streptobacillus, occurring in chains, especially S.moniliformis, which causes a type of rat - bite fever. 链杆菌一种革兰氏阴性的杆状,经常为单性生殖细菌链杆菌属,呈链形,尤指引起一种鼠咬热的念珠形链杆菌
  6. Any of various gram-negative, rod-shaped, often pathogenic bacteria of the genus Streptobacillus, occurring in chains, especially S. moniliformis, which causes a type of rat-bite fever. 李斯特氏菌病一种由单核球增多性李司特氏菌引起的含细菌疾病,会影响野生或家养动物,偶尔影响人类。其特征是发烧,脑膜炎和脑炎