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美[ˌtelɪ'dʒenɪk]  英[ˌtelɪ'dʒenɪk]
adj.  适于拍电视的(适于上电视镜头的)


  1. Appearing to advantage on television; telegenic. 适宜拍摄电视的;适宜上电视镜头的
  2. Do we insist on a telegenic President(William F.Buckley,jr. 我们坚持要一名适合拍电视的总统吗?(小威廉F.;巴克利)
  3. Now, however, it is not just Royal's telegenic appeal with which an embattled Aubry must contend. 然而,现在她所面对的不再是罗亚尔在电视上的指责。
  4. This time even party elders acknowledge the importance of showing a telegenic face to the public. 但是这一次,即使是党内元老也都承认,向公众推选一位拥有亲和力的新面孔有着重要的意义。
  5. With their new youthful and telegenic leader, the Labour party looks set to woo the voters. (在年轻又上相的党魁率领下,工党似乎笃定能赢得选民青睐。)
  6. A charm offensive by the telegenic KMT candidate, the former Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou, has earned him an estimated 10-point lead. 颇为上镜的国民党总统候选人,前台北市长马英九,凭借个人魅力赢得了十个百分点的领先优势。