It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 1740. 西班牙人于1510年在此定居,并于1740年后组成了新格拉纳达总督的辖地。
It was settled by the Spanish in 50 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 740. 西班牙人于50年在此定居,并于740年后组成了新格拉纳达总督的辖地。
These provincial mints were under the control of a local provincial governor or governor general of a viceroyalty (as in the case of Kiangnan). 这些造币厂都是在地方省政府或省级直辖总督府(如江南)控制监督之下。