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美['vɪsənəl]  英['vɪsɪnl]
adj.  附近的;接近的;一地方的


  1. belonging to or limited to a vicinity


  1. It is a notable case when the vicinal slopes or excavations are likely to reduce significantly the bearing capacity of foundation. 摘要临近基坑或边坡的既有建筑物地基承载力减损情况是一个值得关注的问题。
  2. The torsion effect is diminished by enlarging the section of head wall and its vicinal concrete members. 通过调整抗侧力墙体的布置,采用增加端部剪力墙及其附近混凝土构件的截面面积,减少了结构的扭转效应。
  3. A rapid and reliable analytical method for the detection of diacetyl and other vicinal Diketones in beer was described. 该文介绍了一种快捷、可靠的测定啤酒中双乙酰含量的分析法。
  4. Abstract: Seven major methods and their reaction characteristics for the synthesis of primary vicinal diamines starting from epoxides, and alkenes etc. are given in detail. 文摘:详细综述了从环氧化合物、烯烃等为起始原料合成一系列一级邻二胺的七条主要路线,并比较了各条反应路线的特点。
  5. Seven major methods and their reaction characteristics for the synthesis of primary vicinal diamines starting from epoxides, and alkenes etc. 详细综述了从环氧化合物、烯烃等为起始原料合成一系列一级邻二胺的七条主要路线,并比较了各条反应路线的特点。
  6. A bank building needs reinforcement and rectification because of uneven settlement caused by vicinal construction of underground pipeline. 某银行营业楼由于临近地下管道施工引起不均匀沉降,造成倾斜超过国家规定标准,需进行加固纠偏处理。