The vicomte was about to begin his narrative, and he smiled subtly.子爵想开始讲故事,脸上流露出狡黠的微笑。
Prince Andrey looked with a smile first at Pierre, then at the vicomte, then at their hostess.安德烈公爵面露微笑,时而瞧瞧皮埃尔,时而看看子爵,时而望望女主人。
It was evident that he did not like the vicomte, and that though he was not looking at him, he was directing his remarks against him.看起来,他不喜欢子爵,没有望着子爵,不过这些话倒是针对子爵说的话。
The vicomte, who was seeing him for the first time, saw clearly that this Jacobin was by no means so formidable as his words.子爵头一次和他会面,可是他心里明白,这个雅各宾党人根本不像他的谈吐那样令人生畏。