Tell the worrywart to be quiet,he is making everybody else uneasy ,too! 告诉那个杞人忧天的人安静一点,他把每个人都搞得心神不安了。
She thought the Y2K bug was going to destroy civilization; she is such a worrywart! 她认为千禧虫会摧毁文明;真是杞人忧天!
I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think, but I don\'t think I\'m a worrywart. 你自己也不是老担心工作,老担心你老板和同事对你印象不好。
Being serious is one thing, but admit it: You're something of a worrywart at the moment. 桔解:严肃认真是一回事,要承认,你有时只是在自寻烦恼。
I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think, but I don't think I'm a worrywart. 我才不信呢.你自己不也老是担心工作,老是担心你的老板和同事对你印象不好啊。
LL: I dont worry too much about work! I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think, but I dont think Im a worrywart. 我比别人担心更多!我才不信呢。你自己也不是老担心工作,老担心你老板和同事对你印象不好。