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美[ə'baɪd]  英[ə'baɪd]
v.  遵守;忍受;坚持
  名词:abider  过去式:abode/abided  过去分词:abode/abided  现在分词:abiding  第三人称单数:abides


  1. 遵守
  2. 逗留
  3. 居住
  4. 忍受
  5. 容忍
  6. 等待
  7. 保持
  8. 继续
  9. 忍耐
  10. 等候
  11. 持续
  12. 停留
  13. 居留
  14. 遵循
  15. 顶住
  16. <古>逗留
  17. 继续存在
  18. 继续下去
  19. 维持下去
  20. 留下
  21. 守候
  22. 经受住
  23. 坚持


  1. vt. & vi. 容忍,忍受 tolerate; endure; bear; accept willingly
  2. vi. 逗留,居住 stay or live (in a place or condition)
  3. vt. & vi. 等候 wait for


  1. dwell;

    "You can stay with me while you are in town" "stay a bit longer--the day is still young"

  2. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

    "I cannot bear his constant criticism" "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks" "he learned to tolerate the heat" "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"


  1. abide an event等待某件事的发生
  2. abide a person屈从一个人
  3. abide a vigorous onslaught顶住猛烈的攻击
  4. abide dishonesty容忍欺骗
  5. abide each other彼此相安无事
  6. abide one's doom视死如归
  7. abide one's time等待时机
  8. abide sb's rudeness忍受某人的粗鲁行为
  9. abide such heavy work干得了这样的重活
  10. abide the fate which abides sb等待着某人的命运
  11. abide the result等候结果
  12. abide the verdict of the judge服从法官的裁决
  1. trustworthly abide忠实地遵守
  2. abide faithfully by忠实地遵守
  3. abide staunchly by忠诚于
  4. abide temporarily by暂时服从
  1. abide by appeal of按照…的请求
  2. abide by discipline遵守纪律
  3. abide by one's commitment忠实履行自己的承诺
  4. abide by one's opinion坚持己见
  5. abide by one's friends忠于朋友
  6. abide by one's promises信守诺言
  7. abide by terms遵守条件
  8. abide by the agreement遵守协定
  9. abide by the consequences承担后果
  10. abide by the constitution遵守宪法
  11. abide by the contract遵守合同
  12. abide by the inevitable迫不得已
  13. abide by the orders遵从命令
  14. abide by the laws遵守法律
  15. abide by the principle坚持原则
  16. abide by the principle of fairness遵循公平原则
  17. abide by the rules遵守规章
  18. abide by the truth坚持真理
  19. abide by WTO rules遵守世界贸易组织规则


  1. Everyone must abide by the law.所有的人都应遵守法律。
  2. Once you make a promise, you must abide by it.一旦你许诺,你必须遵守你的诺言。
  3. She can't abide that man.她不能忍受那个人。
  4. I cannot abide the loud noise anymore.我再也无法忍受这么大的噪音。
  5. I abide by what I said.我坚持我所说的话。


    abide的基本意思是“容忍,忍受”,指 遵守(法律、诺言、决定等);坚持(意见、真理等);承担(后果等)。 abide作“容忍,忍受”解时,指长时间忍受不愉快的事情,容忍别人的行为或者忍受自身的痛苦或不幸而不屈服,侧重耐心与顺从。可用于口语,一般用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式作宾语。常用于否定句或疑问句中,常与can/could连用。 abide作“逗留”“居住”解时一般用作不及物动词,常与介词in或 at连用表示“逗留的地点”,或与with连用表示“与某人一同居住”。多用于法律或文学上,是古旧用法。 abide作“等候”解时多指耐心等待某种结果。一般用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。偶尔也可用作不及物动词。多用于正式文体中。 abide by可指“遵守”法律、“信守”诺言、“忠于”某人或“承担”后果等。一般用于正式文体中。


  1. 必须遵守学校规则。

    The school regulations must be abided by.

    We must abide by the school regulations.

    abide by通常不用在被动句中,应改为主动句,并根据需要用主语we, you或其他词。