Although some antibiotics, vitamine and microelement preparation are abroad used, their promotive effects are very finitary. 一些抗生素、维生素、微量元素等制剂虽然被广泛应用,但基本停留在等待伤口自然愈合阶段,促进创面愈合十分有限。
Simultaneously, model of monopoly-as-seller andmodel of share's intrinsic value determination with finitary holdingperiod are integrated into securities investment analysis. 同时结合了卖方垄断厂商模型和有限期持有的股票内在价值的决定理论。
In - patients unmber have been arising, on the other hand health resources is so finitary, which requires the remaining hospital beds have to be used as efficiently as possible. 住院病人数在不断增加,而卫生资源又十分有限,这就要求尽可能提高病床使用率。美国对评价住院适当性提出一套专业方案US-AEP,在欧美国家运行良好。