Conclusion The modified method for macrostomia correction,which include restoration of the orbicularis sphincter,interior movement of the s... 结论重建、恢复患侧口角蜗轴、适当内移口角定点、设计皮肤锯齿状切口等修复大口畸形的方法较符合口裂生理美学特点。
Objective:To observe the clinical symptoms and analyze the hereditary features of a family with hereditary macrostomia and accessory fagus. 目的:分析1组面横裂及附耳家系的临床表现及遗传学特征。
Objective To investigate a modified method for the correction of macrostomia with a static and dynamic symmetrical effect. 目的探索一种在静态及动态时双侧口角对称的大口畸形整复方法。
Methods:We obtained a Chinese family with macrostomia and accessory fagus in 60 members of 4 generations and their clinical and hereditary features were analyzed. 材料和方法:我们随访到1组面横裂及附耳家系,家系内随访到共有5代发病,目前存活有4代,家系内共有成员60余人,进行了临床表型和遗传学的初步分析。
We report a successful correction for a 4-month-old baby girl with bilateral macrostomia using vermilion square flap technique.The scar is placed at the upper lip. 本文应用下唇方形皮办转位的手术方式,将疤痕置放于上唇,来矫正一个双侧横向脸裂的小朋友。