a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate; used to aid eye examinations
Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on. 术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
Objective To improve the cognition and summarize the experience of management of mydriatic patients after cerebral injury. 目的回顾性分析颅脑损伤致双瞳散大的抢救治疗结果,进一步加深认识并总结经验。
Conclusion Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on. 结论术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
None of them were administered by mydriatic before operation, and different laser incision shape and energy were employed. 方法:在不散瞳的条件下,应用Nd:YAG激光切开瞳孔区后囊膜混浊。
A poisonous alkaloid,C21H26N2O3,derived from the bark of a tree,Corynanthe yohimbe,and formerly used as an aphrodisiac,a local anesthetic,and a mydriatic. 育亨宾(宁碱),一种毒性生物碱,C21H26N2O3,从育亨宾树的树皮中提炼出来,以前被用作春药、局部麻醉剂和散瞳药。
A poisonous alkaloid, C21H26N2O3, derived from the bark of a tree, Corynanthe yohimbe, and formerly used as an aphrodisiac, a local anesthetic, and a mydriatic. 育亨宾(宁碱)一种毒性生物碱,C21H26N2O3,从育亨宾树的树皮中提炼出来,以前被用作春药、局部麻醉剂和散瞳药