Each subject experienced a series of optokinetic step stimulation (5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,120,deg/s). 每名被试者,随机给予一系列视动阶跃刺激(5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,120deg/s),每个刺激持续20s。
There was no significant difference between the optokinetic nystagmus intensity of normal persons and that of the patients. 视动眼震强度与正常人无显著差异;
Abstract : Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) eye movements can be elicited by isoluminant moving glatings which consist of only different color. 摘要 : 等亮度彩色运动条纹产生视动震颤(OKN)眼动反应揭示了OKN眼动控制系统中存在颜色通道;
It seems that saccadic responses in telencephalic neurons are generated by corollary discharge signals from brainstem neurons that are transmitted through optokinetic and thalamic neurons. 王书荣研究员和博士研究生杨艳、曹鹏、杨杨以家鸽视觉系统为研究对象,发现了实现“眼睛扫视抑制的脑内神经回路”。
In this research 30 military university students each experienced a series of optokinetic step stimulation(5 , 10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,120deg/sec)under two different instructions, Each stimulus continued for 20 seconds. 30名男性军校学员。 在两种指导语指导下,经受了一系列视动跃跃刺激(5、10、15、20、30、40、60、80、100、120度/秒),每个刺激持续20秒。