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美['fenfɔːmɪn]  英[fen'fɔːmɪn]
n.  [药]苯乙双胍;降糖灵(一种降血糖药)


  1. ATF is effective in the treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus and is similar to phenformin pharmacologically. 安糖方对实验性糖尿病具有明显的治疗作用 ,其作用特征与降糖灵类似
  2. There were significant differences smong PhenFormin No.1 and other contrasts(P 结果降糖灵1号组除与消渴丸组对糖尿病差异无显著性意义(P>005)外;与其他各组差异均有显著性意义(P<005;P<001)。
  3. Conclusion: Jiangtangsu has better curative effect on cataract of rats with diabetes than on that group with phenformin. 结论:降糖素对糖尿病大鼠白内障有良好的治疗作用,而且优于降糖灵组。
  4. Objective: To identify glyguanid,phenformin,gliclazide and glyburide added into traditional Chinese medicine for anti-diabetes. 目的:进行中药降糖制剂掺入成分盐酸二甲双胍、盐酸苯乙双胍、格列齐特和格列本脲的鉴别。
  5. Results: Phenformin and glyburide were found in Tangleshu capsule,glyguanid and gliclazide were found in Ketangmin capsule. 结果:中药降糖制剂糖乐舒胶囊含盐酸苯乙双胍和格列齐特,克糖敏胶囊含盐酸二甲双胍、格列本脲。
  6. Methods The diabetic model mice induced by alloxan and normal mice were treated with ZTS,glibenclamide,phenformin and Xiao ke pill respectively for 15 dyas. 方法 分别用脂糖舒、优降糖、降糖灵和消渴丸灌胃正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶糖尿病模型小鼠 15d ,检测各组小鼠耐寒和耐热存活时间 (min)。