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美[pɪn]  英[pɪn]
n.  别针(大头针);徽章;<口>脚
v.  钉住;别住;固定住
abbr.  个人识别码(=Personal Identification Number),<印>邮编(=Postal Index Number)
  过去式:pinned  过去分词:pinned  现在分词:pinning  第三人称单数:pins


  1. 饰针,胸针,扣针
  2. 管脚
  3. 别针,大头针
  4. 【电】插头
  5. 发夹, 轸子
  6. 有别针的徽章
  7. 测针
  8. 【海】桨架脚
  9. 小桶
  10. 没价值的东西
  11. 枢轴
  1. 钉住,别住,扣住
  2. 压住,按住
  3. 按住使不能动,束缚住,使不能动弹
  4. 围住,关住
  5. 抓住
  6. 【军】牵制
  7. 把…归罪于,把…归咎于
  8. (使)固定,(用别针、大头针)固定住
  9. 别上
  10. 钳住
  11. 完全依赖
  12. 寄希望于,指望
  13. 找某人查问
  14. 把…别住,把…钉住
  15. 刺穿
  16. 将学生会的会徽给与(女生以示爱)
  1. =personal identification number 个人识别号


  1. [C]大头针 a short thin piece of metal that looks like a small nail, used for fastening together pieces of cloth, paper, etc.
  2. [C]饰针 a quite short thin piece of metal, pointed at one end and with a decoration at the other
  3. [C]锁,钉,插头,闩 peg of wood or metal for various special purposes
  4. [C]保险针,保险栓 clip on a hand grenade that stops it from exploding
  5. [P]〈俚〉腿 legs
  1. vt. 把…别住,把…钉住 fasten or join with a pin or pins
  2. vt. 压住,使不能动 keep in one position, especially by weight from above


  1. a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment
  2. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
  3. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.
  4. a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
  5. informal terms for the leg;

    "fever left him weak on his sticks"

  6. axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns
  7. cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown
  8. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
  9. a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things
  10. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
  11. a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in triangular groups of ten as the target
  1. to hold fast or prevent from moving;

    "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"

  2. attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins;

    "pin the needle to the shirt" "pin the blame on the innocent man"

  3. pierce with a pin;

    "pin down the butterfly"

  4. immobilize a piece


  1. care pin在乎
  2. put in pin别上别针
  3. stick pin into sb激励某人,使某人生气
  4. stick in pin别上别针
  1. rolling pin擀面杖
  2. straight pin直针
  3. wooden pin木针
  1. bob pin小发夹
  2. breast pin胸饰别针
  3. drawing pin图钉
  4. hair pin发针
  5. hat pin帽子饰针
  6. safety pin安全别针
  7. scarf pin围巾别针
  8. school pin校徽
  9. tie pin领带别针
  1. in the pin of health极为健康
  2. head of a pin针头
  3. the point of a pin针尖
  4. on pins and needles如坐针毡
  1. pin hopes寄托希望
  2. pin one's faith坚决相信
  1. pin firmly牢固地别起
  2. pin mercilessly无情地钉住
  3. pin relentlessly残酷地钉住
  4. pin tidily整齐地钉
  5. pin down迫使
  6. pin sb down to the ground把某人压倒在地
  7. pin on别〔钉〕起来
  8. pin together别在一起
  9. pin up钉住,用针别住
  10. pin up the hair把头发夹住
  1. pin sb against the wall把某人按在墙上
  2. pin beneath the car压在车底下
  3. pin on one's coat别在上衣上
  4. pin sb to a promise要某人遵守诺言
  5. pin sb under sth把某人压在某物底下


  1. I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday.昨天我给丈夫买了一支领带别针。
  1. He pinned the notice to the board.他把通知钉在布告牌上。
  2. Pin the bills together so you don't lose them.把账单别在一起以防遗失。
  3. The general pinned the medal on the soldier's chest.将军把奖章别在这位士兵的胸前。


    pin的基本意思是“大头针”,也可指“饰针”“有别针的徽章”,是可数名词。引申可表示没有价值的东西。 pin也可作“锁,钉,插头,闩”解,还可指手榴弹上的“保险针”或“保险栓”。 pin的复数形式pins有“腿”的意思。
    pin用作动词意思是“(用别针)把…别住,把…钉住”,也可作“使固定”“使不能动”解。 pin是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 pin down意为“钉住,压住; 明确说出; 使受约束”; pin sth on sb 意为“把某事(如错误、罪名等)强加在某人身上”。