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美[poʊst'gleɪʃəl]  英[pəʊst'gleɪʃəl]
adj.  冰河期以后的


  1. relating to or occurring during the time following a glacial period


  1. We do not know whether we live in a postglacial period or an interglacial period. 我们不知道自己是生活在后冰川期还是生活于间冰期。
  2. The chill truth seems to be that we are already past the optimum climate of postglacial time. 令人寒心的事实似乎是我们已经度过了后冰川时代的最佳气候期。
  3. The incised alley was gradually inundated when sea-level rose during the postglacial period and a huge estuary was formed. 冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地。
  4. And in oxygenic isotope 1st phase, cause of the postglacial period transgression, most of them is the semi-saltwater environment of estuary area. 在氧同位素1期,发生冰后期海侵,多为入海河口区的半咸水环境。
  5. Pleistocene The glacial and postglacial epoch following the Tertiary, lasting from around 2 million to 10,000 years ago. 更新世继第三世纪之后的冰河期和冰河后期,大约由二百万年前到一万年前的一段地质年代。
  6. The duration of Holocene Optimum defined as a postglacial interval of the most equable climate with warm temperatures and abundant rainfall has not been beyond debate. 在不同地点适宜期的起止时间、表现特征总存在一些差异,一方面可能体现了不同的局地地形、植被、水文条件等对区域水热条件的不同反馈;