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美[ˌpoʊstgæŋgliː'ɒnɪk]  英[pəʊstgæŋglɪ'ɒnɪk]
adj.  [解](神经)节后的


  1. beyond or distal to a ganglion (referring especially to the unmyelinated fibers that originate from cells in autonomic ganglia)


  1. Postganglionic from these data the market is still worth looking forward to. 从这些数据说明节后市场仍是值得期待的。
  2. Postganglionic passengers more routes are largely concentrated in Taiwan and South Korea, Southeast Asia routes. 节后客流量较多的航线主要集中在台湾及韩国、东南亚等航线上。
  3. It is of unknown cause or ?impairment of postganglionic innervation of esophagus (Auerbach's plexus). 谢谢您的解答!(03/07/2001全身麻醉是很安全的了,当然没有百份之百的事,些少危险性总是有的。
  4. In 1991 and in 1992 the first trading day postganglionic Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.5 percent or even less. 1991年及1992年节后首个交易日上证指数涨幅甚至小于0.;5%25。
  5. Fig.10 Sympathetic postganglionic neurons of jejunum and ileum were concentrated in middle inferior region of celiac-superior mesenteric ganglion. 10支配空回肠的交感节后医院神经元集中分布区在腹腔-肠系膜上医院神经节的中下部。
  6. At the same time in 1996 and in 1993 the first trading day postganglionic Shanghai Composite Index rose 8.87 percent, respectively, 5.65 percent. 同时1996年及1993年节后首个交易日上证指数涨幅分别达到8.;87%25、5